Overview of Papa Jack’s Life

Born in Brussels (Belgium) on Wednesday June 18th  1930
Deceased in Strombeek-Bever (Belgium) on Wednesday September 22nd  2010.



1948 Upper secondary school Diploma

1949 Apprenticeship in Richard & Van Rolleghem Orthopedic Company.

1957 Certification as CPO and starting as Co-Manager in its father’s Company.

Co-Founder and Secretary General of the Belgium national association “B.B.O.T., he creates and negotiates the first Nomenclature and the first convention with the government.

1958 Co founder of INTERBOR (International Professional Association) which aim is to structure the socio economic aspects of our profession. For several years Jacques is in charge of the Presidency of this international organization.

1973 Once again as a pioneer Jacques takes a large part in the creation of ISPO Belgium (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics). This structure aims at scientific exchanges and improvement of P&O education for the benefit of the disabled people.

1984 Jacques is involved in different organizations: “Terre des Hommes” - “Handicap International” - “Red Cross”...
He organizes and takes part to many projects in different African countries like Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Ethiopia ... The goal of these expeditions is to bring to patients and disabled people Orthotics & Prosthetics technology and treatments.

1989 Jacques takes-over different orthopedic Companies in Belgium, and becomes the Managing Director of 180 workers, employees and CPO’s.

1991 He sales the shares of CEBELOR to LIC Sweden.

1992 He is appointed as international marketing manager of LIC-CEBELOR. This position gives him the opportunity of many connections and contacts all over the world.

1993 Jacques leaves the LIC-CEBELOR at the age of 63 years. But this retirement is very active as he keeps being very busy in different domains in the orthopedics field.


Orthopedic technology is his live, day and night.

At this time Jacques starts:

  • CEM Consulting Company in Orthotics & Prosthetics.
  • OPO Society for education and R & D in Orthotics & Prosthetics.
  • Management OP Companies in Belgium – Europe – USA - Africa .
  • Education program and starting of the French speaking bachelor education in Belgium.
  • Evaluation – Expert’s Report.
  • Relationship with the Industry.

These meetings, organizations, “platforms”, are as many opportunities for doctors, paramedics, Bandagists, Prothesist, Orthotists and Orthopedic Shoe-makers, to get together, to exchange, develop and spread new technologies, innovative treatments and work philosophy. They are also times for professionals of different ages, and from all races or culture to meet together.

Initiator of these meetings and exchanges Jacques was a much appreciated personality, “Papa Jack” as the Americans call him!

The Foundation “Jacques Van Rolleghem”

Has been created some years ago by several Belgium CPO’s

Now in 2021 this Foundation was reformed into one “International Foundation Papa Jack V. R.” - and the statutes adapted and expanded more on an International level.

The foundation’s goal is to complete young graduates’ information and training in medical, scientific, administrative or technical disciplines linked to devices and treatments for disabled people.

Study grants, loans, subsidies or prizes, (both for research and practical implementation) may be distributed by this Foundation.

This foundation may also contribute, with all possible resources, to the improvement of the education standards, researches and practical applications in the mentioned disciplines.

Jacques Van Rolleghem (Papa Jack)leaves to the Foundation his professional books, all the information resources that he gathered and the documentation collected all along his life.

In the very next future the International foundation Papa Jack V.R. will set up a Library named “Jacques Van Rolleghem” in collaboration with ISEK High School in Brussels,

Jack is no more here, but for generations of P&O-not only in Belgium but all over the world- he is still a reference and an example of professional dedication and of enthusiasm that marked our lives.

Through the International Foundation Papa Jack V. R., through the projects and organizations he initiated he will stay with us!

"Jack, the profession is grateful to you"

Honorary General Manager of CEBELOR
Centrum Belgium for Orthotics & Prosthetics
Honorary President of INTERBOR
International Association of Orthotics and Prosthetists
Recipient of several honours